Texas Instruments Tiva C TM4C123G¶

Tiva C TM4C123G is a Cortex-M4 based microcontroller from Texas Instruments.
Module location: | |
platform/tm4c |
Supported devices: | |
TM4C123GH6PM | |
Data sheets/Reference manuals: | |
TM4C123GH6PM datasheet |
The platform is configured by theCore configurator. To make sure you are familiar with it, check the Configurator graphical interface section before going any further.
Currently, only TM4C123GH6PM
device is supported.
To import all generated definitions into the application code, simply add following line to your source:
#include <aux/generated.hpp>
Available examples¶
Periphery overview¶
TM4C MCU peripheries can be configured through theCore configurator.
Note that to use any of periphery, corresponding pins must be configured too. Do not forget to include pin multiplexing configuration for each desired periphery. Proceed to the TM4C Multiplexing section for more details.
System timer¶
Driver sources: | platform/tm4c/export/aux/execution.hpp |
The system timer is a periphery that can provide fixed frequency ticks for whole application. The system timer can be configured from the “Systimer configuration” submenu.
Available options¶
frequency: | Timer frequency in Hz. |
source: | Timer source. Only |
owner: | Timer owner. If If thecore is selected, then the systimer will be both configured and managed by internal modules of theCore. For example, timer can be started or stopped in delay routines inside theCore. Trying to start or stop the timer directly by user will lead to undefined behaviour. |
Known limitations¶
- Only SysTick can be used as a timer source.
- No dynamic change in frequency is allowed. This is by design.
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Driver sources: | platform/tm4c/export/aux/uart.hpp |
The UART configuration resides in the “UART configuration” submenu.
Available options¶
channel: | UART periphery to use. In TM4C, 7 UARTs are available. |
baud: | Baud rate of UART. |
alias: | Driver C++ alias that will be created. Alias can be used in the user code to access given UART. |
comment: | C++ comment string that will be placed next to the driver alias in auto-generated code. |
Known limitations¶
- Only 115200 baud is supported.
- Following configuration is hard-coded and cannot be changed (yet):
- Stop bits: 1
- Data length: 8 bits
- Parity: none
To enable console in TM4C platform, change the console
option field to
desired UART channel. The channel must be first enabled via UART menu.
Check the Console streams section for more details about theCore console library.
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Driver sources: | platform/tm4c/export/aux/spi.hpp |
The SSI stands for Serial Synchronous Interface. In TM4C MCUs it is analogous to SPI. The SSI/SPI configuration is placed under the “SSI (SPI) config” submenu.
Available options¶
channel: | The SPI channel to enable. |
type: | SPI type. Only master is supported. |
CPOL: | SPI clock polarity. |
CPHA: | SPI clock phase. |
System clock divider for SPI: | |
The SPI clock is configured trough divider of the system clock. Say, the system clock is 100000 Hz. Setting divider to 4 will configure SPI clock to value of 25000 Hz. |
Known limitations¶
- theCore SPI driver for TM4C can work only in master mode. See issue #361.
- SPI clock is not yet configurable in the driver and it is set to a
fraction of the system clock:
spi_clock = system_clock / 4
. See issue #360. - Only Motorola SPI modes are supported, though datasheet lists more than that. See issue #362.
Pin multiplexing¶
Driver sources: | platform/tm4c/export/platform/pin_cfg.hpp
platform/tm4c/export/platform/gpio_device.hpp |
Pins can be configured from the “I/O pin configuration” submenu.
Available options¶
channel: | Channel is an actual pin that should be configured. |
direction: | Direction of pin - |
type: | Possible pin types are:
alias: | Comma-separated driver C++ aliases that will be created. Each alias can be used in the user code to access given pin. |
comment: | C++ comment string that will be placed next to the driver alias in auto-generated code. |
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External interrupts¶
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