Getting started

Downloading theCore

First thing first you need to download theCore and setup development environment. To do that, use dedicated tcore script, written in Python 3:

  1. Install Python 3 and dependencies, by using DigitalOcean guide.

  2. Install tcore script:

    sudo pip3 install tcore
  3. Install curl. For example, in Ubuntu, run:

    sudo apt-get install curl
  4. Download theCore and development environment. Choose one option from below:

    • With script asking root permissions (see Details of the development environment section to understand why):

      tcore bootstrap
    • With script not asking any root permissions:

      sudo mkdir /nix
      sudo chown $(whoami) /nix
      tcore bootstrap

Details of the development environment

All additional packages, like toolchains, build dependencies and some additional host utilities are manager trough Nix. Nix helps to deploy everything that you need during development of the embedded application.

The installiation process of Nix is curated by the tcore script. More information about it you can find in the tcore script section.

Nix is installed under /nix directory. If it does not exist, Nix installation script will ask for permissions. That’s why running bare tcore bootstrap may result in a sudo password request.

Some examples of packages, contaned in /nix directory are:

  • Git
  • CMake
  • toolchains: GCC, Clang
  • OpenOCD
  • GDB

Check the default.nix file in the root of theCore project for full list of packages requested from Nix.

After Nix is deployed, theCore itself is downloaded into ~/.theCore directory. tcore script uses Git under Nix environment to retrieve theCore from a remote, so no need to install Git into the host machine.

Moving forward

From now on, you are ready for creating embedded applications using theCore. Check Examples section to understand how such applications are built.

More info about Nix

If you want to get yourself more familiar with Nix, check out the Domenkozar’s blog or read the official documentation.