HM-10 Bluetooth BTLE module

HM-10 Bluetooth Module BTLE

HM-10 is a BLE module for embedded system to get BLE wireless communication with BLE capable devices (e.g. iPhone and iPad). It is fully configurable by a rich and well documented AT command-set and allows transparent data communication via serial UART (default baudrate 9600bps).


Datasheet v524 can be found at website

Source code

HM-10 driver implementation is located under dev/hm10/ directory, relative to theCore root.

HM-10 usage example

Refer to HM-10 Bluetooth LE (4.0) wireless module example page for usage example.

Known limitations

theCore HM-10 driver operates only in slave mode. For master mode, see “Implement HM-10 master mode” GitHub issue.